
The Energy Healing Guidebook is now available!

The Energy Healing Guidebook is currently an evolving e-book available for purchase on a site called ‘LeanPub’, short for Lean Publication. The site allows readers to buy e-books as they are being written. Readers get an e-mail every time I update or add more content to the e-book. There are already over 100 pages in the book. Including energy title_pagehealing tips to keep you healthy, explanations of how energy healing works, and an overview of chakras, flower essences, homeopathics and other energy healing tools.  While the book is in-process, you can purchase it for $20, after it is complete the price will increase. Plus, you are welcome to provide feedback about the book. . . request topics you would like to learn about or let me know if something is unclear. You can help me make your ideal book!

Find out more or purchase it now at:

  Kundalini Energy

Learn the what, where, why and how of this Sanskrit word that means circular or coiled.    Kundalini Energy is known as ‘life force energy’ and is located at the base of your spine.  Medical, yoga, and religious traditions in India have used this energy for health, healing, and to promote higher consciousness for centuries.  Learn how to safely access this energy and put it to work for you in Chapter 6 of The Energy Healing Guidebook.

Self-help Energy Points 

Learn easy ways to help regulate blood sugar, blood pressure, emotions, stress, headaches, pain, etc.  Whatever problem the body can produce there is an energy point to help resolve it. Click on the Blog tab to view some of these energy points.